Marcus Benna
Assistant Professor

Ji-An Li
Graduate student
Ji-An Li is a PhD student in the Neuroscience Graduate Program. He is interested in neural computation of reinforcement learning and back propagation in the biological brain. He is currently co-advised by Dr. Marcelo Mattar.

Yuru Song
Graduate studentĀ
Yuru is a PhD student in the Neuroscience Graduate Program. She is interested in the biological plausible mechanisms for continual learning at synaptic and neural circuit levels.

Felix Taschbach
Graduate student
Felix is a PhD student in the Biological Sciences graduate program. He is interested in how behavioral information is encoded by populations of neurons during ethological behaviors. He is co-advised by Dr. Kay Tye at the Salk Institute for Biological Science.

Fangxu Cai
Graduate student
Fangxu is a PhD student in the Physics graduate program. He works on models of dendritic computation and on understanding optimal information processing in modular neural networks.